Corrigenda for Book

Corrigenda for Guerrilla Capacity Planning Book

Last updated Jul 11, 2018

 Page  Spotter Correction
 3   P. Cañadilla  § 1.2.2, 2nd bullet: "FreeBSD, MacOS X, RedHat Linux" s.b. Red Hat
 8   H. Harper  § 1.3.3, line 7: "It easy" s.b. It is easy
 9   H. Harper  § 1.3.3, line 2 after Fig. 1.2: "likely to confusing" s.b. likely to be confusing
 11   P. Cañadilla  3rd para after fig 1.4, 2nd line: "input data for Excelregression" s.b. Excel regression
 16   P. Cañadilla  Item Opportunistic Intervention, line 3: "... .Rather then" s.b. than
 19   P. Cañadilla  § 2.2.1. 2nd line: "to provides an appropiate" s.b. provide
 20   P. Cañadilla  Line 5: " a set _ OLAs" insert of
"   P. Cañadilla  After fig. 2.2, line 4: "to provide and efficient" s.b. an efficient
 21   P. Cañadilla  Line 4: "capacity homunclulus" s.b. homunculus
 22   P. Cañadilla  Line 2: "development cycle any product" insert of
"   P. Cañadilla  Item Measure, line 5: "these data are are fed" Elide second are
 23   P. Cañadilla  Line 3. "Figure 2.3 is meant to convery..." s.b. convey
 24   P. Cañadilla  Line 3 from the bottom: "capacity planning depicited in..." s.b depicted
 28   C. McFarland   Penultimate line of § 3.1: "Once again, these number" s.b. numbers
 31   Author   Table in Example 3.5: Last entry s.b. 24 sigdigs. Must move decimal point 23 places to right.
 32   M. Berger   para 2, line 4: "To help help rectify..." Elide 2nd help
"   Author   Algortihm 3.2: The assignment of XYZ needs to be made clearer. See note 1 below.
 36   P. Cañadilla   5th line: "since it is not a defintion." s.b. definition
 39   P. Cañadilla  § 3.7. Remark 3.4. 2nd item, last term in: ", max(…, ′b × d)]" Elide apostrophe.
 49   T. Wilson   Line above Fig. 4.5: "grapically" s.b. graphically
"   T. Wilson   Def. 4.3: "executes in purely sequential of serial fashion" of s.b. or
 50   P. Cañadilla   Last sentence "fraction of time spent in scaler mode" s.b. scalar
 51   P. Stalder   Fig. 4.6 caption s.b. ...serial fraction σ = 0.10 corresponds to...
 52   Author   Eqn. (4.19): The S is shorthand for S(p). Using Sp might be a better choice.
 56   Author   Line 5 from bottom: σ1 s.b. σ−1
"   T. Wilson   § 4.3.5: [Gustafson 1992] citation missing from bibliography and date s.b. 1988. See note 3 below.
 59   P. Cañadilla   Example 4.4, 3rd line. "shared writebale data." s.b. writeable
 64   Author   Sect. 4.5.3, Fig. 4.13 and Table 4.1: Names "Exponential," "Amdahl Corp" model is confusing cf. "Amdahl" model. Use either Exponential or Alohanet.
 77   M. Berger   First line: "we _ more than the three data points..." Insert need
 108   P. Cañadilla   Legend for Figure 6.4: "SQLServer" s.b SQL Server.
 112   P. Chow   § 6.7.3 line 3: Elide because a = 0.0075 while b = 0.0755
 113   P. Chow   Table 6.8: Using (5.11) for β, (5.12) for α, and (5.15) for N* on p.80, entries in Table s.b. β = 0.0075 and N* = 11
 116   R. Hamilton   § 6.9 Line 7 from bottom. "be confiigured..." s.b. configured
 123   P. Cañadilla  Last sentence, "referred to in Sect 11.1." s.b. Sect. 7.1.
 135   M. Berger   Sentence before § 7.4.4: "...became available to the high-priority VMs" s.b. low-priority
"   T. Wilson   First complete para: "With the in mind..." the s.b. this
 147   M. Berger   Period missing at end of 2nd para.
 147   P. Cañadilla   Legend for Figure 8.3: "...bimodal curve in Fig. 8.3" s.b. in Fig. 8.1
  "   P. Cañadilla   Legend for Figure 8.3: "...two component component curves..." Elide 2nd `component'
 149   P. Cañadilla   § 8.3.2, Line 8: "...measurements than than are generally available..." Elide 2nd than
  "   P. Cañadilla   § 8.3.2, 5th line: Gunther (2005a) s.b. (Gunther 2005a)
 150   P. Cañadilla   § 8.4.1, 6th line. "VBA is a quite a reasonable..." Elide 1st 'a'
 152   Author   Eqn.(8.1) should only have 4 random variables, not 6 X's. Two r.v.'s (MinU and MaxU in Fig. 8.5) are used to filter the data.
"   Author   The VBA code in Appendix E.2 is correct.
 152   R. Hamilton   2nd line in § 8.6 "We new present ..." s.b. now
 153   P. Cañadilla   § 8.6.2, 2 lines above: SignificanceF s.b Significance F
 154   R. Schmitt   Last line s.b. "...larger values of Ueff are estimated..."
 155   P. Cañadilla   § 8.7.1, 4th line: " a an exponential model" Elide 'a'
  "   P. Cañadilla    Eqn. (8.2): All `w' subscripts s.b. l.c. Also text 2 lines above (8.2)
 156   P. Cañadilla   Page 156, 1st para, last line: Mismatch b/w U0 = 133.12 in text and y = 135.91e0.0309x in Fig. 8.9 legend
 159   R. Hamilton   Table 8.1: Last digit is missing in each of the ∆CLK numbers. s.b. 36677 and 42340, respectively.
 161   R. Hamilton   Example: 8.3, 1st line: equation should read UC(20) = 246.97%
 165   R. Hamilton   Para 2, line 6. "Mnay of these..." s.b. Many
 168   P. Cañadilla   § 9.4, 3rd line: "and the links to the links to network connections." Elide to the links
 169   P. Cañadilla   Line after eqn. (9.2): "nodes in ( 9.1)." Close up
 181   P. Cañadilla   Para 1, 2nd last line: "20 μs for the arrival time of each packe; the..." ???
 192   P. Cañadilla   § 10.5.2, 2 lines after eqn. (10.21):" Fig. 10.12 s.b 10.11
 195   P. Cañadilla   Last para: Drop 2nd ref (private communication, 2005)
 217   Author   D s.b. S in equations A.23 and A.24.
 240   P. Cañadilla   § F.3. Item 1: "quanitatively" s.b. quantitatively
 241   R. Hamilton   Line above § F.3.2: "...reduces to Amdahl's law, as expcted." s.b. expected
 251   Author   Add index entries for Significant digits per Chap. 3


  1. Significant Digits and Rounding To round the example number 7.245 to 3 sigdigs using Algortihm 3.2, start by rewriting the number without the decimal point. In a more tabular form:
    1 2 3 4 5
    7 2 4 5 _
    _ _ x y z
    the first row shows the position of each of the digits 7 2 4 5 of our number in the second row. The last row shows the alignment of the X, Y and Z labels in the rounding algorithm with X set in the 3rd position because we want only 3 sigdigs. The 5th digit is a blank (denoted _ ) in the original number.
  2. J2EE and WebLogic Scalability This is not a correction but additional information pertaining to § 7.4.4, pp. 135 ff.

    The following version numbers were supplied by Jamie Rybicki on Mon, Mar 24, 2008:
    BEA WebLogic 9.1 with the BEA JRockit JDK 5.0 Update 6 (R26.4.0-63) 32 bit java virtual machine.
    Regarding the WebLogic listen-threads hypothesis, originally due to Drew Sliwkowski (circa December 2005),
    Michael Ducy wrote on 3/24/08 12:06 PM: 
        This makes sense now that you tell me they are running the JRockit JVM.
        JRockit has the concept of "Thin Threads." Basically this is where M
        Java threads are ran inside N OS threads (or the MxN threading model,
        where M > N.) The JVM handles scheduling, synchronization, etc of these
        thin threads within the OS threads. I found an old JRockit developer
        article that indicated that N would most likely be set to the number of
        processors in the system.  This article was written when JRockit thin
        threads were still experimental. I am guessing BEA did some testing and
        found that 2N x CPUs performed better.
    The interested reader may be able to find more in details in [J2EE Performance].
  3. Scaled Speedup This is not a correction but additional information pertaining to § 4.3.5. p. 56.

    The following diagram is useful for understanding the origin of eqn.(4.29).
    The parallel portion of the work in Fig. 4.5 is first scaled up in proportion to the number of available processors: (1−σ) → (1−σ) p.
    Then, it follows that the executions times are:

    =  (1−σ) p T1 + σT1 (1st row of diagram)
    (1−σ) p

    T1 + σT1 (2nd row of diagram) 
    The ratio of these two times gives eqn.(4.29) in the book.
    This kind of [Anti-Amdahl] scale-up has also been proposed more recently as a way to optimize the throughput of multicores [Break Amdahl].


[J2EE Performance]
Peter Zadrozny, Philip Aston, and Ted Osborne,
J2EE Performance Testing with BEA WebLogic Server,
Expert Press, 2002.
John Gustafson,
"Reevaluating Amdahl's Law,"
Comm. ACM. 31(5): 532-533, 1988.
[Break Amdahl]
Herb Sutter,
"Break Amdahl's Law!"

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